Vermont Law:
Effective July 1, Vermont has a revised Child Passenger Safety law. Here are the highlights of the updated law.
• A child under two years of age must be properly secured in a federally approved rear-facing child car seat with a harness.
• A child in a rear-facing car seat must not ride in front of an active airbag.
• A child over 2 years of age but under five years of age must be properly secured in a federally approved rear-facing or forward-facing car seat with a harness.
• A child under eight years of age who is not properly secured in a harnessed car seat must be properly secured in a booster seat.
• A child under 13 years of age must, if practical, ride in the back seat.
• A child under 18 years of age who is not properly secured in a harnessed car seat or booster seat must be wearing a seat belt.
- View the Full VT Law: 23 V.S.A. § 125.